About metalradio.co.nz

New Zealand's Premiere Metal Radio Station, on the (digital) air since 2011!

April 30, 2022

Diabolical Immutable CACOPHONY...

 ~C A C O P H O N Y~

Christchurch's very own HEAVY METAL radio show on...

RDU98.5FM Tuesday's 10pm-12pm

Radio Addington 107.5FM, Friday & Monday at 10pm.

Listen or Download CACOPHONY at www.cacophonynz.podomatic.com

We're on Facebook! [Who isn't?]  www.facebook.com/cacophonynz

www.metalradio.co.nz to hear the best Metal Radio NZ has to offer...

The Squid Man features the latest albums from Mushuggah and Destruction. Plenty of NZ Metal, carnal ramblings over “full price Friday” on Bandcamp. Catch up with Captain Squidman in May for 100% NZ Metal.

Gigs [All Gigs TBC]

Thur 21st April @ HiVis Jam - Hades Drudge feat. Live stream  8PM start. Check Facebook Events.

Fri 13th May @ 12 Bar [Christchurch] - Urge2Kill Rising feat.  Bloody Hell, Hog, Caradine Choke, Old Haven & Men An Tol. R18 $10 Door

Fri 3rd June @ 12 Bar [Christchurch] - Pieces Of Molly, Elidi, Distance & Bora. R18 $20 Door

Fri 27th May @ 12 Bar [Christchurch] - Aoteraroa Prog Alliance feat. Pull Down the Sun, Alliance, Elidi.

TBA @ The Crown [Dunedin] - Southern Send II feat. Organectomy, Ayamvoid, Utilize the Remains, Vile Disembowelment & Distance. R18 GA $15






eMail requests2022(at)cacophony.co.nz

sMail CACOPHONY, POBox33044, Barrington, Christchurch 8244, New Zealand.