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December 20, 2021

Dark Helloween Occupied by Death on CACOPHONY...

 ~C A C O P H O N Y~

Christchurch's very own HEAVY METAL radio show on...

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Power Metal kicks off this weeks CACOPHONY and Black Metal finishes it. The Lost Messiah and a haemorrhage of metal are crushed in between. It's Metal Jim but not as we know it!

Beast in Black [Finland] [Power] - Dark Connection [2021]

Helloween [Germany] [Power] - Helloween [2021]

Dark Helloween Playlist

Forsaken Age [NZ] - Pedal to the Metal
Winterdawn [NZ] - Hear Lightning Scream
* Beast In Black - Revengeance Machine
* Beast In Black - Dark New World
* Beast In Black - To The Last Drop Of Blood
* Beast In Black - Broken Survivors
Awakened Inferno [NZ] - Dystopia
Earthshield [NZ] - Invitation
* Helloween - Out For The Glory
* Helloween - Mass Pollution
* Helloween - Indestructible
* Helloween - Cyanide
Stormforge [NZ] - Star Descended

Khandra [Belarus] [Black] - All Occupied By Sole Death [2021]

Occupied Death Playlist

Moanhand - The Boomerang of Serpents
Sabbatic Goat [NZ] - Anemic Swine(Traitor of all Ex
* Khandra - Irrigating Lethal Acres with Blood
* Khandra - Nothing But Immortality For Aye
* Khandra - In Harvest Against The Sun
* Khandra - All Occupied by Sole Death
Draco Aerius [NZ] - Principia Discordia
Stormruler - Reign Of The Winged Duke [Single]
Seth - Métal Noir
Omat Makkarat [NZ] - Vinterisen
Sojouner [NZ] - Perennial [Single]
Wizardthrone - Forbidden Equations Deep Within The Epimethean Wasteland

Gigs [All Gigs TBC]

Sat 26th Mar @ The Loons [Lyttelton] - California 90's Tribute feat Tool, Rage Against he Machine & Stone Temple Pilots Tributes. R18 EB $26+bf $35+bf

Sat 2nd Apr @ 12 Bar [Christchurch] - End Of Days Metal Festival feat. Kaosis (BOP), Unanything (DUN) Meshuggah Tribute, Untouchables (QTWN) Korn Tribute, Akumu & Etheran. R18 $10 EB, $20 GA & $30 Door.

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