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May 28, 2021

NZ Metal Month of May show #4 on CACOPHONY.

  ~C A C O P H O N Y~

Christchurch's very own HEAVY METAL radio show on...

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Radio Addington 107.5FM, Friday & Monday at 10pm.

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www.metalradio.co.nz to hear the best Metal Radio NZ has to offer...

Final Week of NZ Metal Month of May for 2021, still going with my A - Z of NZ Metal and this week make it as far as the S's! Looks like I will have to continue this shit next year 2022 to complete ALL NZ Metal! From Primacy to Sounds Of Vengeance this time, plus PASSES to GIVEAWAY to 2 Christchurch shows, check out CACOPHONY.

Win Shit!

Double Pass to the Alien Weaponry show this Saturday. Send us an eMail to winshit@cacophony.co.nz or post something interesting to facebook.com/cacophonynz.

Likewise for some passes to the After Forever show on Saturday 5th June (Queens Birthday Weekend). Flick us an eMail or humorous post on facespace.

All bands are NZ Metal bands (from New Zealand).

P to S Playlist

Primacy - The Secret
Prisoner Of War - Rot
Resporn - Solace
Ritual Abuse - White Smoke Ritual
Rules Of Addiction - Computerized
Sabbatic Goat - Anemic Swine
Scrotum - He Of Cloven Hoof And Hellfire
Scurvy Dogs - Home From he War

S Continued... Playlist

Seas Of Conflict - Eventide
Second Gear Grind - Gracing The Line
Sekht - Enemy Within
Septicide - Infected By Opinion
Sheperd Reign - Concrete Walls
Shitripper - Vultures & Shut The Fuck Up
Silent Torture - Your Creation
Sinate - A Killer Born
Skuldom - Orgiastic Blasphemy
Slave Collective - Evils Disguise
Sleat - And Become
Sounds Of Vengence - The Last Stand Of The Minotaur


Sat 29th May @ Town Hall [Christchurch ] - NZSO and ALIEN WEAPONRY, Tapatahi Stronger Together 7.30pm Tickets from $15

Saturday 5th June @ The Embankment [Christchurch] – AFTER FOREVER [NZ], (BLACK SABBATH TRIBUTE) with Support from Sabotage Theory (Soundgarden Tribute). Tickets $20 from UTR, R18

Fri 18th June @ Blue Smoke [Christchurch] - STONEHURST [NZ], SUFFERING MAN NZ TOUR with Elidi & Via Kaleidoscope. 8Pm R18

Fri 20th August @ Embankment Tavern [Christchurch] - NEBULA [Oz], HOLY SMOKE TOUR

Wed 6th October @ Embankment Tavern [Christchurch] - WHORES [USA], Oz & NZ TOUR






eMail requests2020(at)cacophony.co.nz

sMail CACOPHONY, POBox33044, Barrington, Christchurch 8244, New Zealand.