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New Zealand's Premiere Metal Radio Station, on the (digital) air since 2011!

November 16, 2016

Once upon a Darkthrone sat a deathly Vader... another Metal story on CACOPHONY!

        ~C A C O P H O N Y~

Christchurch's very own HEAVY METAL radio show on…

RDU98.5FM Tuesday's 10pm-12pm

Radio Addington 107.5FM, Friday & following Monday at 10pm

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It's time for CACOPHONY once again… this week deathly blackness descends once again! This time featuring Darkthrone and Vader, with other new releases from Despite, Once Human, Anciients and Sons of Balaur. Requests for old school metal from Incantation, Overkill, Metallica and Sepultura. The usual best-of NZ Metal rounds out the show,  this time brought to you by the LostMessiah!

Darkthrone [Norway] [Speed - Black - Death] - Arctic Thunder [2016]

Vader [Poland] [Death] - The Empire [2016]

Darkthrone Playlist

Despite - Soul = Denied
Ulcerate [NZ] [Technical Death] - Yield To Naught
Once Human - Flock Of Flesh
Blindfolded And Lead To The Woods [NZ] [Christchurch] [Death - Grindcore] - Fuck You Look Awesome
* Darkthrone - Boreal Fiends + Throw Me Through The Marshes +  Deep Lake Trespass + The Wyoming Distance
In Dread Response [NZ] [Auckland] [Mel.Death] - The Pendulous Blade
Anciients - Buried in Sand
Skuldom [NZ] - Orgiastic Blasphemy
Sons of Balaur - Old Relics

Vader Playlist

Tainted [NZ] - Torch the Ground
Incantation - Nefarious Warriors
[Sepultura - Troops Of Doom
The Mark of Man [NZ] - The Craven
* Vader - Angels of Steel + Tempest + No Gravity + Feel My Pain + Send Me Back to Hell
Human [NZ] - Pay Toilet Of Dispair
Metallica - Creeping Death
Overkill - Deny the Cross
Winter Deluge [NZ] - Winters March




eMail requests2016@cacophony.co.nz

sMail CACOPHONY, POBox33044, Barrington, Christchurch 8244, New Zealand.